Engaging Networks HMRC Gift Aid Submission Tool

With charities always looking to increase the value of their donations, one of the most effective ways is through Gift Aid. Yet an estimated 25% of eligible Gift Aid is unclaimed annually in the UK, all because they aren’t aware of what to do or think it’s too complicated to complete.
But it doesn’t have to be that way and, thanks to our partnership with Engaging Networks, our HMRC Gift Aid Submission Tool makes the process even easier.
Once our team has connected to your EN data during setup, our automated service tool will take the pain out of the claim, giving your charity more funds and more time to focus on the next big project.
How The Gift Aid Tool Works
From the initial donation to the final submission, here’s a quick rundown of the six-step journey to claiming with the Gift Aid Tool.

“The Engaging Networks Gift Aid Tool has streamlined our regular gift aid processes. Claims are now submitted within minutes, not hours! We no longer have to deal with tricky data manipulation tasks as the tool does this for us!”
– Mike Jones, Care4Calais
Would You Like To Learn More?
Get in touch to book a demo today and discover how easy it is to remove the pain from the claim!